

Hover over an item for details

MAP01 - MAP02 - MAP03 - MAP04 - MAP05 - MAP06 - MAP07 - MAP08 - MAP09 - MAP10 - MAP11 - MAP12

SHOOTS Lightning every 3 seconds.

SHOOTS Lightning every 3 seconds.

SHOOTS Lightning every 3 seconds.

What's up!

'What direction are you facing?'

'Daggan can be found in the observatory on the last floor.'

'Information has a price. Bring me a crystal ball.'
Give him a Crystal Ball and he says: 'The key is this floor!'

'I have a key to Daggan's Office. It's yours for a crystal ball.'
Give him a Crystal Ball and he gives a Rainbow Key.







Note that enemy placement is losely based on encounters.
Some of them are constantly moving.
They may not be exactly there during game play.
